Saturday, August 14, 2010

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

Today is Brian's birthday.  Brock dressed up in his "Born to Rock" shirt and posed for his Happy Birthday portrait.  What a cutie.  Happy Birthday to my best friend and husband.  We love you so much - Lori & Brock.

And here's the birthday boy with his ice cream cake. 

Mirror, mirror

Isn't it funny to watch babies laugh at themselves in the mirror?  I get the greatest chuckle watching Brock literally squeal at the image of himself in the mirror, then shy away tucking his face into my neck. 

He's such a flirt...

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mr. Giggles

Brock has a ticklish spot that we recently discovered  It's on his tummy and he loves being kissed until he giggles.  Squeals, actually.  I'm the "Kissing Monster" and I tickle him until he giggles.  We do this almost nightly.  He loves it.  So do I.

Click here to watch Mr. Giggles in action

Thursday, August 5, 2010


We rarely put shoes on Brock but on this day, we decided why not?  They lasted about half the day before they came off but wasn't he super sporty until then?

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

4 Month Check-Up

Our "Little Man" is getting big!  Here are his latest stats:

Birth Stats (March 27, 2010):

Weight: 7 lbs., 5 oz.
Height: 20.75 inches
4 Month Stats:
Weight: 15 lbs., 7.5 oz.
Height: 1' 11.62"

Overall, he is hitting all his markers (height,weight, head circumference, etc.).  The doctor said as soon as he peaked an interest in food by making chewing motions while we eat or just a general curiosity, then we can begin introducing him to solids. 

He was smiley and fun until his vaccination shots.  Then, a once happy baby became very upset. Poor little bugger is not a fan of needles.  Can you blame him?  Ouch!

Here's a pre-shot picture