Sunday, September 11, 2011

17 months

During a routine visit to Whole Foods, a random stranger approached me and asked about Brock and complimented how well he was behaving (this happens a lot).  After a few minutes of  Brock talk, he proceeded to tell me that this stage he is in is the best.  I would agree. One of the key developments during this stage is claiming independence.  We hear a lot of "no" and a lot of demands.  One demand that I actually love is a part of our morning ritual.  Brock and I go to the kitchen so he can have "apples" (apples range from dried fruit to fresh fruits to yogurt) and read books on the kitchen floor.  He will pat the kitchen floor next to  him and say, "mamma, sit".  You don't have to ask me twice!  I now keep a stack of books in the kitchen!  :-)

In case you didn't already know, we are utterly enamored by our little guy.