Sunday, December 18, 2011

Christmas, again?

It's strange to think that this will be Brock's 2nd Christmas.  Brock had a nasty cold that moved into his lungs and landed us in the ER a couple of days after Christmas so even though we all felt fine and enjoyed the holiday, I'm pretty sure Brock was not.  Thankfully, he appears to be much healthier this year and since he is older, more aware of what the holidays actually are.  This picture was taken last year in front of grandma and grandpa's tree.  Poor guy was so congested.

About two weeks ago, we rushed over to the Stanford Shopping Center to pay a visit to Santa Claus.  Preparing for this event, we showed Brock the picture he took last year and really hyped up this Santa dude.  It worked!  Brock loved seeing Santa.  The kids before and after him were crying hysterically while our little man waved and smiled at Santa.  Atta Boy!  Brock and Santa are now besties.

To continue keeping the spirit of Christmas in our home, we brought home a Brock friendly tree perched high on a table out of reach from curious little hands.  After he went to sleep, we decorated the tree and house with lights and decorations. In the morning, we caught Brock's first view of the tree on video. He was very excited to see the tree but once he realized he was on camera, he became more interested in seeing himself on camera.  Such a ham...

As the holidays near, we look forward to seeing family and feeling blessed to have such a wonderful life.