Friday, April 5, 2013


Three!? I'm shocked that my baby boy is a three year old.  Leading up to his birthday (details on that in a sec...), we really started pushing potty training and dumping the pacifier.  So far, one down, one to go.  He will use the potty but not consistently.  We'll get there.  As many have reassured me, he won't be going to college in a diaper (or biting, or using a paci, get my point).

At his three year wellness check up Brock was delighted to learn he didn't need any vaccination shots.  But he still wanted a sucker that I foolishly (and prematurely) promised.  Heck, he deserved it. He was patient and cooperative during the examination (Dr. said he's doing great!).  He is enamored with our physician so the night of his appointment, he told me that Dr. Kroes said paci's are for babies and he's a big boy now.  Done.  He hasn't looked at or asked for his pacifier since. 

Stats from his check up:
Height:  2' 11"
Weight: 26 lbs. 3 oz.

Overall he is in the 3rd percentile in height and 13% combined height/weight.  What he lacks in height and weight, he makes up for in PERSONALITY!  This kid was made for the stage.

Now on to the fun stuff.  We had a MARCHING BAND themed birthday party for Brock. It was so fun!  He had a few of his buddies over and their families.  We ate yummy food, parents libated on beer and wine, and everyone devoured cupcakes - all before nap time.  The weather was spectacular; couldn't have asked for a more glorious day.

The kids decorated tambourines and hats upon arrival and just as they were getting restless, we surprised them with a marching band!

Originally I wanted to hire the Stanford marching band.  They would have done it but they required a minimum of 20 band members (that would have terrified the kids!) and it was their Spring Break.  So, I contacted our local high school band.  Five students came over (if you ever plan this party, no more than 7 musicians is my recommendation)  and surprised the kids with musical entertainment.

Initially the kids were quiet and not sure what to make of the noise.  All the parents eased their fears and within minutes everyone was overjoyed.  The band played a few songs (including Happy Birthday), then corralled the kids and took them on a parade on our street. It was toddler chaos - totally adorable and disastrous all rolled into one.  There was no order, there was no synchronization; just toddlers running around with the band.  Brock and his buddy Drew held the banner and took their jobs very seriously.  These videos don't even begin to showcase the adorableness of it all.

All in all, it was a fun day and I'm not sure how we are going to top this birthday in years to come. Happy Birthday to my, "I can do it myself, Mom; I'm a big boy" Brock.  We love you!