Friday, May 31, 2013


It's been a couple of months since I've had a moment to post.  But don't let my absence fool you, there have been plenty of happenings going on here.  Too many, in fact, to write about. 

Here are some key milestones since the last post:

Since Brock's birthday bash (which he still raves about!), we've made a significant break through in Brock's development - no more pacifier!  Yep, at his three-year check up our physician said to him that he needed to stop using his paci and to start using the toilet. I'm happy to report that Brock quit the pacifier cold turkey the night of his check up (huge shout out to our Rock Star physician!).  And, I'm also happy to report that he hasn't looked back. Only once did he ask for it and then said never mind, I'm a big boy... I know these stories sound ridiculous to an adult but to a three year old, this is a big deal.

I'm so proud of him for being brave. His pacifier was his way to feel safe and comforted.  He's now learning how to self-soothe (no pacifier brings on a whole new set of sleepless challenges).  However, let's focus on the positive - he is especially proud of himself when he sees another kid similar in age still using his pacifier.  He makes it a point to remind me that he doesn't need his anymore because he's a big boy.

(I should add these words are bittersweet because it means my baby is growing up, sigh...).

Potty training hasn't been as successful, but we are determined to kick the diaper habit soon.  Brock will use the potty on his own terms. Born into a family of stubborn minded people, I can't blame him for being set in his way, but man, that kid can negotiate! I'm not admitting he wins his argument all of the time, but yes, on occasion, I cave and let him forgo the official rules and grant a reward when he really doesn't deserve one (translation: sitting on the toilet doesn't constitute urinating into the toilet.  But he still gets a prize for trying).  We've bribed rewarded him with stickers and a cool book that when you press a button makes a flushing sound but nope, not interested.  So recently I pulled out the big guns.  M&M's.  Still, nope, no way, nada. He loves his diapers.  Sigh...  I've been told to let him be naked for an entire weekend and he will break the diaper habit.  The weather is warming up so perhaps I'll try this tactic next. Stay tuned!

Brock is also becoming quite the sportster. He is enrolled in classes at My Gym and absolutely loves it.  I've watched him develop skills such as listening, balance, agility, and strength.  I wholeheartedly recommend My Gym or something similar for your kids. He graduated from his YMCA Little Splashers class last week and will start swim classes in June.  These classes, unlike Little Splashers do not require parent participation. He also plays soccer in preschool.  Coach Jamie has wonderful feedback.  Brock is a team player and a good kicker.  :-)

On to Cade.  This little bug keeps getting bigger and bigger. He is now 9 months old (whaaat? I know, that's cray-cray!)

 Last week he crawled AND got his first set of teeth (yes, his two front bottom teeth came in simultaneously). Our normally happy-go-lucky baby has been a fussy little fellow.  Who can blame him?  He has TWO teeth coming in and his little knees are tender from all that movin' and shakin'. You should see the grin on his face when he crawls over to an object he's been eying.  Pure satisfaction.  It's delightful.

Cade is also loving finger foods.  His favorite is of course, Cheerios.  What kid (and adult) doesn't love those crunchy little O's?  He also loves shoving piles and piles of mangoes, pears, peaches, strawberries, avocado, blueberries and meat loaf down his gullet.  Champion eater!

Cade can also wave hello/goodbye and sort of says "haayy and baayy"  Does he really know he is saying "hi" and "bye"?  Probably not.  But this momma wants to believe her smartie pants is actually talking. 

As usual, life is blessed.