Monday, August 3, 2015

Catching up

I realized I haven't posted ANYTHING since March. Eeks!

Well, a lot has happened since then. Let's see, where do we start?

At the end of March, early April we went to Kauai with my sister and her family. What a fun time! We spent 10 days enjoying some much needed family time, celebrated Brock's 5th birthday, and caught up with my dear friend Kristy, who lives on the island.

Aloha from the Sheraton Kauai


Kristy and Kari (and Thomas snoozing away)

The first time Brock rode a bike with training wheels. He was a natural!

All he wanted for his birthday was a coconut. Sadly. he didn't like it. :-(

But - he did like the birthday pancakes!

In April our sick friends had to give up their coveted Laurie Berkner band ticket that were first row and included a meet and greet after the show. We didn’t know who she was but googled her and quickly realized she is a big deal. Like really big. What a fun night!  We met up with my brother after the show for an early dinner. The boys were over the moon excited about the whole experience. I hope we will be able to see her again next time she is in town. It was a very sweet and entertaining show.

Toward the end of April, Brock lost his FIRST tooth!  Since then, he has lost three (to date) and one more is loose. 

His note to the Tooth Fairy

May was filled with more memories to be made, including Brock's last day of Preschool. It was a bittersweet day, indeed. Cade will still be attending Sojourner Truth but to see Brock transition after being there for three years was hard to process. He's about to start kindergarten. Wow, time is flying...

My kids will eat anythig if you give them chopsticks

May Fete parade

May Fete parade

What? Rain! It was hmmm, the only day it rained all month. 

Mastering the training wheels

They love story time, especially when Uncle reads to them!

Brock's Pre-K class on a special field trip to Celia's restaurant

Our Pre-K Graduate!
Family picture (excluding brooding Cade)

In June, we got the original gang together (most were in attendance). The original gang are my bootcamp friends I met when I first moved to Palo Alto. Since our bootcamp days, we have all married and had children. It's been fun to watch not only our friendships grow but now see our kiddos become the best of friends.

Also in June, Cade wrapped up his second year at Preschool Family. Teacher Kylee made this school year magical. Cade has a very deep love for her and as a parent, we couldn't have been more thrilled to have her as our teacher. I hope she remains a lifelong friend!

And no summer is complete without a camping trip!  We ventured 10 minutes out of town to the Palo Alto Foothills park for a night of camping. It was our first time with the boys so we stayed close to home. And thankfully we did! We forgot a corkscrew for the wine and charcoal for the BBQ. Brian was out of the park, home and back to the campsite in 30 minutes. Phew, I was getting thirsty...

The rest of our summer included Brock ditching his training wheels on his bike, Cade growing like a weed, -both in size and vocabulary, and our family having fun in the sunshine. 

Cade also is now portty trained as of mid-July. Woohoo!!

Not many pictures were taken over the summer months, as we are living in the moment but, making memories nonetheless.

Here are a few that made the camera roll...

Me zipling. Yee-Hawwww!

Brock's dance recital

Bath time is still awesome!

Happy Hollow fun!

Swimming at Greenmeadow pool

Santa Barbara Natural History museum

CuriOdyssey, our new fave!