Our little man is getting old - six months old, in fact. It is incredible (and a little sad) to see him develop and grow. Every day we notice slight changes in his demeanor and personality. Overall, he is a happy baby and we couldn't be more thrilled.
He had his six-month check up this week and here are his latest stats:
Birth Stats:
Weight: 7 lbs., 5 oz.
Height: 20 3/4 inches
Six Month Stats:
Weight: 16 lbs., 14.5 oz.
Height: 25 inches
Here is a picture of him (sorry for the poor quality - darn blackberry phone!) before he received one oral vaccination and three shots. He only cried for a few minutes afterward. Tough guy.
Brock's favorite things - smiling, laughing, sitting up all by himself, grabbing toys/stuff, removing and placing his pacifier in his mouth and "talking/screaming" - oh, and shoving anything he can into his mouth.
Right before he turned 6 months, we introduced rice cereal to his diet. He liked the cereal but it gave him the worst constipation. So we switched to whole grain (organic, of course) oatmeal and that seemed to do the trick. He's also tried green beans, banana, apple sauce and avocado.
He is still warming up to green beans.