Sunday, June 27, 2010

Three Months Old!

Three months ago today our little miracle entered the world.  He's been an absolute joy and we couldn't have asked for a more perfect baby; even when he's inconsolably crying he's still a blessed joy.

We've been reading up on the developmental milestones for babies.  For the most part Brock is on target for a three month old.  Some of the fun milestones he's reached include: drooling, thumb sucking, finding his "voice", recognizing his parents, and discovering he his hands (and fingers) and feet (and toes).

Here are some pictures of our little man at three month old.  We love you Brock-o-li, Bugaboo, Brockstar, Monkey!!

He's even cute when he is sulking...

This is how he ends up most mornings - perpendicular in his bed.  And yes, he smiles in his sleep. Hmm, what is he dreaming about?  Milk?

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Brock is college bound

Well, not today but eventually Brock will be going to college. When Brock was born we took all of the money that was sent to us (thank you!!) and opened a 529 Education Plan

Being a College Advisor, you know I'm going to encourage higher education for my child.  An education is a gift that will last a lifetime.  If you're inclined to buy Brock a gift (you know how you are...Grandma!) resist the urge and instead contribute a couple of dollars each year to his plan. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Ten weeks!

Have we mentioned how much we LOVE this kid?

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Oh my Brockness!

Even with a mohawk he's adorable!
Or when Aunt Kari attempts to see what he'd look like with long strawberry blonde hair...

And who knew bathing could be so fun?

This kid is all smiles!

Two month check up

ow, Brock is already two months.  Two months!  Time is zipping by and we are thoroughly enjoying every moment we can spend with him. 

And boy is he growing!  Here are his latest vitals:

Birth (March 27, 2010):
Weight: 7 lbs., 5 oz.
Height: 20.75 inches

Today (June 1, 2010):
Weight: 12 lbs, 3 oz.
Height 22.5 inches

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Lodi or BUST!

Brock made his first road trip to Lodi over the weekend.  He was greeted with about 30 relatives all eager to shower him with hugs and kisses.  He was so fascinated by the attention that he refused to take a nap until the party started to wind down.  He's so blessed to have a large, loving family to grow up in.

Thank you all for making his day so special! 

On the drive home, Brock slept the entire way - and the entire remainder of the day/night. 
You guys wiped him out!