Last week our family went to Kauai for a glorious week of sunshine, relaxation and reconnecting. This was the first extended vacation we have taken with Brock and I'll tell ya, this kid was born to travel. We were all impressed with his ability to adapt so quickly to the time change. He was great. And, he had a wonderful time bonding with Grandma, Grandpa, Great Aunt Janet, and Great Uncle Don.
Kristy, also known as Auntie Aloha, was able to take a few days off work to spend time with us and show us some of her favorite sites on the island. I've always loved visiting Kristy and seeing the Hawaiian islands through her eyes. Her zest for life and true appreciate of her surroundings is infectious. Having my family in Kauai with Kristy was truly special. Everyone had a great time getting to know each other. Mahalo Kristy, my amazing friend, for making our week in Kauai memorable.