Saturday, November 24, 2012

Oh, Christmas Tree

Let me start by saying this might be the first time in McCormick history that we have actually had our decorations and tree up before December 15th.  It's a Christmas miracle!  Actually, it's because we will be out of town on Christmas so we figured if we're going to do this, let's do it now because it's all coming down by the 23rd of December...

Every Christmas we buy a small 1-2 foot sad looking, no one will take me home "Charlie Brown" type tree that is small enough to sit on a table. Some years the ornaments looked bigger than the actual tree.  One year, we felt compelled to buy something because it was Christmas after all (translation: holiday peer pressure)  It's not that we're Grinchy folk, we're just not into all the extra "stuff" we need in our tiny house.  We also don't buy a ton of gifts for everyone so we don't feel compelled to get into the "holiday spirit" by spending Black Friday standing in line at department stores (now that's something to be thankful for!).  Aren't the holidays supposed to be about family, food and reflecting on the joys in your life? Not how many toys or trinkets you rake in?  Okay, I'll step off the soap box and continue with my original post...

This year we've decided to mix it up and get a real tree!   However, we have Brock, our mass of destruction of a toddler, and that can create a litany of concerns.  There was NO WAY we would be able to have a decorated tree in our house because he would destroy it - in seconds.  Not to mention we are challenged with space in our tiny abode.  So we found a wonderful compromise.  A tree outside our living room window that sits on our front porch.  That way we could enjoy the beauty of a 6-foot tree without cramming it into our home.  And, it's safe from destructive inquisitive toddler hands.

So off we went to buy our big tree.  Brock is still too young to fully understand the concept of Christmas, Santa, etc.  And he definitely didn't understand why we needed to buy a tree.  And somehow he thought that bringing a tree home meant he would meet Santa.  Huh?  How does all of that connect?


After setting up the tree and putting lights on it, Brock was pretty excited.  Cade slept through most of the events of the day (hence no photos of the little guy).   I'm pretty sure Cade could care less about the tree so this year it's "All About Brock" (wait, isn't that every year?).  Eh, whatever...

Merriest of Merry Christmases to you all. 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

I'm a model!

This morning the boys were in a fashion show in the Kid's Dept at Nordstrom.  It was really cute to see the kids strutting their stuff down the runway.  Brock had fun in spite of this really annoying kid behind him in line who kept making weird faces at him (seriously, where was his mother?).  Cade had no idea what he was in for, but was agreeable and looked darn cute in his outfit. 

While the kids walked down the runway, the announcer read their Bios.  Prior to the event they had to answer the following questions:
1. What are your favorite things to do?
2. What do you want to be when you grow up?

Brock's responses:
1.Watch Stanford's marching band and play with my trucks
2. Be a garbage man, a dancing tree (Stanford's marching band mascot) or a fire man

Cade's responses:
1. Drink milk
2. Taller than my brother

So what's next for these tiny models?  Paris?  Milan?  Not exactly...but we sure had fun pretending to be super models for one day.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Chatter box

At almost three months, Cade enjoys following us around the room with his eyes and smiling when he hears our voices.  He also loves to join in on story time.  Brian is great about engaging him with Brock.  I tend to keep them separated for fear of attack from Brock (this happens all too often).  When Cade is in a particularly chipper mood, he even rambles on in baby speak.  It's adorable.  But I'm not biased in the least bit.  I think I have the two most adorable children in the world.  But what mother doesn't say that about her kids? 

Glam Shots

I'm not a professional photographer by any stretch of the imagination, but I certainly try to take a decent photo.  Motivated by their matching sweaters (a gift from a friend of my Aunt), I knew I wanted to take pictures of the boys but wasn't sure when I'd be able to.  The weather the past few weeks had been temperamental- one day 85 degrees (too hot for sweaters), the  next cloudy and raining. Thankfully, on this particular day, the weather was agreeable (finally!) so I gussied up the boys in their sweaters and off we went (I had a friend helping) to one of our local parks.  Of the 30+ pictures I took, a few turned out okay.  I guess I'll keep my day job for now, but it sure is fun taking pictures of my boys. 

We got some funny looks from walkers on the trail.  One said they thought Brock was holding a doll until they got closer.  Another just lingered for an awkwardly long time.  Fortunately we only spent a few minutes taking pictures before Brock got bored and Cade spit up all over himself.

That's a wrap!  Off went the sweaters and over to the playground we went where Brock ran into a buddy of his, Emily, from swim class.  Although it was time to go home for dinner, I figured he deserved a little play time after his tough photo shoot. Models can be so demanding!  :-)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Halloween Fun

Since when did Halloween take up two full weeks worth of activities?

It started with a trip to the local pumpkin patch.  Brock had a blast bouncing in the jumpers, riding the train, and playing on bales of hay.  He almost forgot the sole purpose for being there; to buy a pumpkin.  He chose a little orange and white pumpkin.   Needless to say, we spent more money on train rides and jumpers than the silly pumpkin. But he sure had fun.  Cade slept the entire time.  

Our next big pre-Halloween fun was Brock's preschool's fall festival.  They transformed the preschool into a fair with games, face painting, and a potluck, including a popcorn cart (who doesn't love the smell of freshly popped corn?) and apple cider.  The kids had fun while the parents and teachers mingled. Brock was thrilled to have a green truck painted on his face.

On Halloween his preschool had a pajama party in lieu of wearing Halloween costumes.  I thought that was clever and the kids loved wearing their PJ's all day.  I'm pretty sure the teachers didn't mind, either.

After a fun filled day at school (they ate pumpkin waffles!) Brock transformed into a dinosaur and we hit the neighborhood for a little trick or treating.  No pictures were taken by any of the parents (we were with a group) because we were all too busy chasing our sugar filled children.

Oh, and in case you're wondering what Cade did on Halloween, yep, you guessed it.  He slept.

Happy Halloween, until next year...

Month Two

Life is...busy.  I wonder why?  Two kids, perhaps?  Well, I'm here now and have a few minutes (literally!) to update our family blog.

Cade turned two!  Geez, that was almost a month ago.  See, told ya we were busy!  At the two month check up, Cade was weighed and given three types of immunizations.  Poor kid, who wants that - and no lollypop afterward?

Birth Stats (August 17, 2012):
8 lbs., 1 oz.
20 inches

Two month stats (October 17, 2012):
12 lbs., 14 oz. (50%)
23 inches (50%)

First, they administered an oral immunization.  That went down easily. 

 After the oral, they gave him two shots, one in each thigh.  That didn't go as smoothly as hoped.  But, he survived. 

Cade is growing so fast.  He's already so alert and curious of his surroundings.  He can recognize our voices and even smiles a bit.

Brock is even warming up to the little guy, some of the time.