Life at Casa McCormick is stable - for now, which is not a bad thing. Nothing too chaotic is going on. We battled the cough/cold virus and triumphed. We had flu shots so hopefully whatever comes our way won't be too powerful, and we are surviving the 30 degree frosty mornings. Brr, we are ready for some warmer weather. I know, I know, we Californians are wimps.
The boys have been (as usual) adorable. Of course they are perfect and never raise my blood pressure - at least that what this blog will document. :-)
Brock is really enjoying preschool. In spite of his morning rants about not wanting to go, once we arrive, he is excited and doesn't look back as I leave. He goes three days a week but they are full days. I think he's starting to grasp (slightly) the concept of time. The other day he mentioned that I don't come back for him for a long time and that makes him sad. Then again, he picks up the darnedest phrases at school so maybe this is just something he is now saying but doesn't understand what it means. Hmmm, not sure. He's always so happy to see me when I return - it's the highlight of my day chatting with him about his day at school. He's pretty good at giving me a play-by-play of his day. It helps that I have a copy of the curriculum and menu to keep the conversation going.
Brock continues to LOVE reading. He will sit through 7-10 books per night without getting anxious or bored. And he remembers everything. I love when he corrects me, "no Mommy the book says Father, not Daddy". Marching bands, music, cars/trucks, and dinosaurs are all the rage these days. Construction sites - whoa, BIG deal. Serious stuff! I now know the difference between an Excavator, Cement and Dump truck.
Cade is a joy. I am thoroughly taking advantage of the YMCA's Child Watch program. You can leave your child in their center for 2 hours while using the facilities. I've got a routine that allows me to workout four times during the week, then on the weekends Brian and I take shifts going to the gym. Too bad I'm still 7 lbs from my pre-baby weight...well, I will keep working out and hopefully I'll get back to my old self soon.
Around the time of his 4-month check up our physician said if he seemed interested in food to start him on solids. We didn't start Brock on solids until 6 months so this seemed foreign to us. Cade, unlike Brock, has been watching our every move and smacking (yes, smacking!) his lips when we eat. So, we started him on solids the other day. Wow, does he like it. Too bad the cereal is giving him major gas and constipation... Brian said it's like living with a college student. Enough said. It's so easy to forgive a child who just pooped all over you when he's this cute.
I'm not gonna lie, there are days I wish I had a girl in the house to balance out the testosterone. A girl to shop with or get a mani/pedi with. A girl to plan her wedding with... But when I look at my three boys, I forget those thoughts and just relish in the love and joy my family provides me. I have two amazing little boys who with the right amount of love and discipline, I can only hope turn into honest, kind and loving men, like their father. Brian is an amazing husband, father and role model for my boys. Lucky doesn't begin to describe my life!
Welcome, 2013. Let's make this a year to remember!