Monday, October 14, 2013

Walking and babbling Cade and All Boy Brock

Cade starting to walk at 13.5 months.  He went from taking one step, to two steps, to running across the room in less than one week!  He's motivated to start chasing his big brother!

Cade is also quite the babbling babe these days. A lot of his words sound like, "ba" but he points in the general direction of the item he wants.  His squeals and claps indicate we deciphered his request appropriately and we feel mildly successful.  When he gives us pouty face, we go in for more questioning. 

Cade LOVES to eat.  Seriously, this kid is one hearty eater (hey Brock, you could learn a thing or two from your little bro).  Any food you put in front of him will be devoured within minutes. The only thing he doesn't like is milk. He only wants "mama's ba" (that means Mom's milk, in case you don't speak Cade).  So we haven't weaned him yet of that...soon, I hope!?!

The boys love to argue over toys, blankets, cuddle time...pretty much anything they can argue over, they will.  Cade is fearless and will head butt Brock if he's angry.  He also will hit Brock on the head. Of course, when Brock whines about it, we just remind him that his brother learned these things from him.  Ah-ha, we've silenced a toddler - for about two seconds.  Then he comes up with some clever response.  Oh well, back to the drawing board.  I know one day (soon???) they will be the best of friends but there is still a lot of sibling rivalry going on.  All in good time, right? 

Brock is still as energetic as ever.  He still loves all things wheels.  And reading books.  He loves using his imagination and coming up with witty stories about, um, everything.  It's all random but very cute.  Mommy, we are a family of cats who gets saved by the Iguanodon because the super race car was going down the track very fast and then we flew away in an airplane... We recently entered the super hero phase.  Everything is super hero this, super hero that.  He now wants to be Superman for Halloween.  And has told us Cade will be, too.

Brock is still obsessed with the Stanford marching band. Thankfully football season has started; our seats are above the band so he gets to watch his buddies from afar and cheer them on.  It's all too cute to watch the boys at the games.  Like me, they have NO idea what is going on but enjoy the atmosphere and cheer at anything. 
As always, we are thankful to be healthy and happy.  Life is good.