Even though I have been silent on this blog, life has been far from silent in the McCormick household. With two very energetic boys, there is zero time for silence. Well, a few hours in the evening when my little cherubs are fast asleep, but otherwise, it is go, go, go around here!
And with that, somehow my sweet baby Cade turned T-W-O! I don't know how it happened, but it did.
It seems like yesterday when I was taking my final aqua boot camp class and enjoying my final hours with Brock (and feeling tremendously guilty for "ruining his life") before heading to the hospital to deliver what I was certain to be a girl. What do I know about mother's intuition!?! This boy has brought SO MUCH joy to our family. The way he admires his big brother Brocky (yes, he calls him that. So cute!) to the way he laughs and smiles at everything, this kid is full of life. One of his co-op preschool classmate's mother called him expressive and I wholeheartildy agree! He is amazing!
Brock and Cade of course have had their ups and downs. There have been days I am thankful we did not have to rush to the emergency room with a broken bone or a bleeding gash that needed repairing. These two are 100% boy. They fight, tackle, rip toys out of each other's arms, kick, scream, pinch, punch...eeks! But they also hug, kiss, laugh, protect each other, cry together, lick each other's ice cream (gross, I know, but the negotiations are really cute), choose each other's outfits, have dance parties in their PJ's, dress up in costumes, play with cars and planes together, and share in many more wonderful adventures. They are each other's best friend.
Happy birthday, Cade! Brock is so excited it's your birthday because he just stole all of your presents and will play with them until the break, then return them to you. Enjoy being the second kid...