Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Science of Making a Baby

First comes love,

Then comes marriage,

Then comes a baby in the carriage.

Right? Maybe for some folks, but certainly not for us.

We'll tell ya what makes a baby... a really great fertility specialist!

Fast forward 14 months...

July 8th, 2009, we got the call from our fertility doctor. "You're pregnant! Maybe. Maybe?

Your hcg levels are above the norm so come back on Monday to make sure the levels are increasing, but you're basically pregnant."

Yay! Wait. Yay? What if...

Fast forward two weeks...

Two hcg tests indicate your pregnant but let's take an ultrasound before we finally confirm you are in fact, 100% pregnant.

Whilst having the ultrasound...

Look, do you see that?


That little black blob...

That's a baby!!!

Ladies and Gentlemen, we'd like to introduce you to Baby McCormick.

Perhaps we're biased but we think that little blob on the ultrasound monitor is darn cute for a 6-week old!

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