Sunday, October 11, 2009

Dancing Turnip

We're half way through week 17 and so far, so good! 

Every week we get an update from and this week, the baby is the size of a turnip. 

We're also in the early stages of feeling movement.  At first I thought I felt something but couldn't decipher if it was my stomach breaking down meals, etc. or the baby moving.  But the more I felt the fluttering feeling, the stronger I sensed it was the baby.  Three nights ago Brian felt my stomach and confirmed that he too felt the movement so now I'm convinced those flutters are our dancing turnip! 

Aside from my usual headaches and being tired, which I contribute to my new job and its long hours working as a College Advisor, I feel good.   And I love my new job.  I am helping 33 underrepresented high school seniors apply to colleges and I'm SO PROUD of them! 

This week has also spurred a sense of panic.  We're having a baby!!  I want (need, really) a running stroller (BOB is supposedly the best?) but other than that, I don't know what to buy or what to register for.  We've started making a list.  Feel free to share your favorite "must have" item with us!  Also, being environmentally conscious, we're hoping to buy a lot of our items previously owned.  Reuse = Reduce.  I put our name on a waitlist for a compostable diaper deliver service ran by a Northern CA based company called Earth Baby.  It's super exciting to know our baby will be wearing diapers that will never, ever touch a landfill but instead be composted into topsoil for planting. 

Here are some pictures taken at 17.5 weeks:

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