Friday, July 30, 2010

Random photos of the cutest baby!

Of course we are biased but c'mon, have you seen this kid?  He REALLY is cute...

Don't believe me?  I'll prove it. 

Here he is hanging out in his crib with his buddies, the blue horse and Sophie the Giraffe.

Or chillin' in his brown suede cap and "Rocker" t-shirt

How about when he sports his soccer track suit during World Cup finals?

Wait, I saved the best for last.  His new funny face.  Click on the link below.  He cracks me up...

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! We need to get Thatch and the Brockster together. What a cutie! I could just see the two of them making funny faces and giggling at each other.
