Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween

Brock's first Halloween was less than memorable.  We think his gums are pretty sensitive from his double whammy teething week.  All weekend he cried, fussed and clung to me - it was unusual behavior from our happy-go-lucky guy. 

After a second day of not napping enough, Brock went into a tailspin.  Thirty minutes of screams and cries (maybe that was his costume - a fussy baby?) later, he sobbed himself to sleep.  It was heart wrenching to watch and hear but we're trying so hard to get him on a sleep schedule.

Anywhoooo, the point is his first Halloween wasn't spectacular BUT before the meltdown, we managed to throw on his Race Car Driver costume and take a few pictures.  Man, was it hard to get him to smile..

Happy Halloween and GO GIANTS!!

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