Sunday, November 28, 2010


Change is defined as making something different; to create transformation.  And in the case of Brock, there is really only one constant in his world - change.   It seems like every day we get closer to figuring him out he makes some radical change to keep us guessing.  Even when it comes to his favorites and his least favorites.  Just last week he couldn't get enough sweet potatoes and gagged when we introduced apple sauce.  This week, the tides have once again turned and apple sauce is the only food we've been able to feed him outside breast milk and Cheerios®.

Change also occurs when things evolve and grow.  Again, in  the case of Brock, he is growing at warp speed and we are just trying to keep up.  The other day we began pulling himself up using the bumper on his crib.  Knowing it would be only a matter of time before he could literally stand up or climb out, we lowered the crib. And with these growth milestones comes gained independence.  Brock is definitely becoming his own person.  He is stubborn to no end (gee, I wonder where he picked that up?), he has a forceful hand when trying to take away his toys or random things he wants to put in his mouth (as I type this he is gnawing on a wine cork...) and will let you know his opinion - usually in the form of a crying spell.  For example, he certainly is opposed to his new crib environment. 

Anyway, my ramblings are really just an excuse to post more adorable pictures of our kid.  So here it goes...

Brock in his "jail cell"

Brock letting us know he can hold his own bottle (although he really can't get milk from it)

And, Brock realizing he can pull out ALL of his toys at once - my personal favorite to clean up!

I love this little bugger!!!!!!!

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