Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Six months pregnant - already!?!

I hit week 24 today - 6 months!  In addition to this pregnancy going by waaay too fast, it is also extremely different than my first.  For starters, I had more nausea (fortunately still not too bad) and am always hungry.  For anything and everything.  It's so hard to not eat but I am trying my best to keep the weight down.  The other most significant difference in this pregnancy is the pain.  Oy, the pain.  I was able to work out every day with no issues when I was carrying Brock.  Not this time.  Three months ago my sciatica started acting  up and it's to the point where I am in physical therapy but treatment isn't relieving the pain.  My doctor suggested cortisone shots.  Feel free to chime in on this one - I am trying to resist going down that path.  The good news is that since we can't figure out what makes me feel better or worse, I am still hitting the gym - just not as hard or as often as I'd like. 

But onto more exciting news...


He is so funny.  The other day he decided to pull his table (we use this for arts and crafts) outside.  He said he wanted to move his "office" outside and went to "work".  Where does he come  up with this stuff?

Later that day, we took him to a park nearby where in addition to having a normal playground, there is an area for children to run around and water shoots up from the ground.  He calls the park "Bear Park" because there is a play sculpture of a bear.  He loves Bear Park.  It's one his favorite parks. We love taking him there on warm days to cool off. 

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