Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Brock turns 4!

How did that happen?

Remember when he was this little guy?

Well not anymore!  This little guy is now 4!  F-O-U-R!!??!!  My baby is growing up so fast. 

For his birthday, Brock said he wanted to have all his friends over to eat "Dusty" cake and watch "Dusty" movie.  Easy-peasy!  We threw up some Disney Planes decorations, decorated a "Dusty" cake and made some snacks for the all to nibble on.  Brock was overjoyed - he had the greatest day and best of all, we asked his friends to forego gifts and instead bring a new or used book for a book drive our friend is organizing.  We collected over 50 books for the book drive!

Mr. Big Boy

Brock's "Dusty" cake. Thanks to my friend Crystal for the crushed Oreo's road suggestion.

Someone is REALLY excited - priceless picture!

Goodies for the kiddos to take home

Sugar loaded toddler, oye!

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