We're almost half way through the pregnancy! Time is really whizzing by.
We've been a high risk pregnancy so we weren't too alarmed to learn that we've fallen into the range of having a higher chance that the baby has Down's syndrome. Although we sort of knew this would happen, it's not any less reassuring. So we decided to go ahead with the amniocentesis to get a more accurate result. The results aren't in yet but we're optimistic things will be fine. If not, then we have a few months to prepare to welcome a baby who has special needs into our home. Either way, we're already in love with this little bugger!
Because of our genetic test result hiccup we had our 20-week ultrasound during our 19th week. Apparently while I was getting stabbed with a very unpleasant needle, Brian told me the baby was playing with its foot. I'm bummed I couldn't see that but relieved to know that the baby had no clue what was going on.
Baby Mack weighs a whopping 10 oz and is about the size of an heirloom tomato and growing bigger and stronger each day. Of course, we think the baby is adorable and darn near perfect; even though it's still blobby looking on the monitor. Here are some "glam" shots so you can decide for yourself.
Pictures are of the face, foot and two profile shots. There is also a picture of Momma at week 18.5
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new blog! You are so so cute! Can't wait to see you and your prego belly soon! Miss you tons!