Friday, January 1, 2010

Final days of 2009

We made a quick trip to Southern CA to see the soon-to-be Logan grandparents, enjoy our annual dinner get-together with Brian's old college roomie Jay and his fabulous girlfriend Christine, and to celebrate the engagement of our friends Candice and Jon.  For pictures on Candie and Jon's engagement party, visit our friend, Stephanie's blog.  She is an amazing photographer!  And because we promised to not post this, a smooch caught on video.  Sorry Jay and Christine; we couldn't resist! 

My parents are super excited for the arrival of Baby Mack. This is the first grandchild for the Logan family and the 11th grandchild for the McCormick family.  Our baby will have tons of cousins, second cousins, aunts, uncles, great aunts, great uncles, and grandparents to meet.  We are blessed to have such close families and can't wait for the little bugger to join in the family fun. 

Here are a few belly shots at week 29.  The the baby is about the size of a butternut squash weighing between 2 1/2 to 3 pounds.  I've been calling the baby Pelé lately because I'm convinced this kid is going to be a great soccer player with all this kicking!! 

Butternut Squash- to give you a visual of what the baby's size is.

Here we are at the start of Week 29

Proud Grandma rubbing my belly for good luck (and probably feeling a kick, too!)

Farewell 2009.  Welcome 2010!!

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