Thursday, May 5, 2011

Milestones galore!

Work/Life balance is a bit out of control these days so this post will be short. 

The past two weeks are chock full of milestones: 
  • Brock is starting to hold utensils
  • Eat whole/larger pieces of food (translation:  I can hand him a stick of string cheese and throw him in the BOB so I can get in a morning run)
  • Is getting his 7th tooth (bottom right) and possibly a molar but he won't let me stick my finger in there to inspect.
  • Can wave and say "hi", "bye" and Lyra (Beth & Dave's dog)
  • Oh, and he took his first steps! 
My only regret is that I've been working so darn much I missed out on the first official steps.  It happened threedays ago.  Our nanny, Cris, told me he took 6 steps.  But tonight, I got an encore presentation and it was wonderful.

Stay tuned mid-June when life (hopefully) becomes less hectic and I have more time to post!  Until then, enjoy our little bundle of fun in the vertical form.

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