Thursday, June 9, 2011

14 months and counting

Wow, Brock is 14 months old.  Our little baby is definitely becoming a big boy.  We're enjoying every stage of his precious life and never take for granted the gift we've been given. 

So what is our little miracle up to these days?  A lot!

Brock has graduated from crawling to walking.  He even  jogs a bit when he gets really excited. 

He also wakes up every morning super chatty.  Most of the words are nonsensical but we do a lot of pointing and signing, "this one?" followed with a head nod and a grin. 

He loves to brush his hair. And mine. And anyone he can get close enough to with his brush.  You've been warned...

He is good at eating (just like his parents!)  We love that he is adventurous.  He literally will eat scoops of hummus straight out of the container.  This could be because I ate hummus practically every day when I was pregnant.  :-)  He really enjoys holding his own utensils. I cringe every time he dumps some blob of food on the floor - or his head.  Oh the joys...

He loves reading book and playing with his toys. Crayons, trains and car are a big deal. 

You cannot get this kid out of the bathtub!  He loves to drink the water.  Is this normal? 

Brock is the BIGGEST flirt.  We can't take him anywhere without him waving and saying hi to people - usually cute 20-something girls.  Take note Uncle Kevin, Brock is a "Chick Magnet".  

Most importantly, Brock has a new cousin! Logan William Flansburg was born on May 20th at 8:41pm. He arrived a few weeks early but is getting top-notch care at the NICU.  He is expected to come home very soon.  I got to meet the little guy the day after he arrived but we are looking forward as a family to visit Logan and introduce Brock to him.  Welcome to the family, Logan!

Here are some low quality photographs from my iphone.  I promise better pictures soon!

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