Monday, August 6, 2012

The countdown in ON!

11 days until Baby Mac 2 makes his/her appearance!

Be sure to cast your vote (see right side bar) on the baby's gender.  Think of it this way, you have a 50% chance of being correct!  You don't get those odds in Vegas...

For the longest time I was convinced I was having a girl.  So was Brian.  But now, we're both not sure.  Brock thinks it's a girl but that is because he likes to read a book about a big brother who takes his baby sister to the park. 

Do you remember when Brian took the belly vs. basketball shot when I was pregnant with Brock?   Here's a reminder.  Yep, I'm still bigger than the basketball.

Okay, time to cast your vote.  And the winner is...

We'll let you know after August 17th.  Stay tuned! 

1 comment:

  1. GIRL! I love that you are keeping it a surprise again. That was the best gift of all when we kept #2 a surprise. I wish I could have done it for the first ;)

    I'm going with girl only because I feel like those who keep it a surprise end up getting one of each ;) miss you!
