Saturday, September 15, 2012

One month in

Cade has already been with us for a month now.  Time if flying by.  It's been a tough adjustment having two kids, especially when one of those kids is an energetic toddler!  But we take it in stride and are doing the best we can.  Cade is a pretty happy go lucky kind of fellow - except when he's hungry or needs to poop. Then he cries until the crisis is resolved. 

We decided early on if Cade could survive the first month at home with his daily beatings from Brock, then he would be just fine.  Brock's favorite thing to do is go up to Cade and say (very sweetly), "Hi Little Guy" then pulls his hair, or grabs his feet or hands and squeezes them tightly.  Ugh!!

And of course Brock is our man of action.  He has SO much personality and SO much energy we don't know how to keep up.  We want to laugh and scream at the same time!  His favorite things right now are music, cars, trucks, trains, airplanes and marching bands.  He loves to watch sports on TV, especially football for the marching bands and golf. I'm sure both sets of grandparents are giddy knowing he likes to watch golf.  He also loves to sing and chat about the most random things. It's all too sweet. 

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