Sunday, December 2, 2012

Three Months

Okay, we are almost two weeks late in posting, but Cade turned three months on November 17th.  Wow, time is really zipping by.  It's been hard to watch Brock be incredibly disappointed in having a brother (he hits, yells, tells him to go away...the list goes on and on) but we are confident in time they will be the best of friends.

Back to Cade, he is really cute right now.  Giggles, coo's, squeaks and he lights up when you greet him.  He loves to watch his big brother (maybe out of fear?), his eyes follow his every move.  Unfortunately, Cade also caught his first of many colds.  With Brock in preschool, we're preparing for at least one year of runny noses.  The only upside to Cade being sick was that we took him to the doctor to make sure he didn't have an ear infection and he was weighed.  He's growing fast - 14 lbs., 6 oz. and 23 inches.  Will he be taller than Brock?  Time will tell.  For now, we focus on his adorable smile.

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