Wednesday, March 6, 2013

6 months

Yep, it happened. Another month crept up.  Cade turned 6 months on February 17th.

He's growing up so quickly.  His favorite things right now are sitting up unassisted, grabbing toys, inserting anything (and everything!) into his mouth, saying da da, and smiling.  Lots and lots of smiling.  He's a pretty happy fellow.

On the food front, we've had to limit his foods to high fiber foods because he is having pretty bad constipation.  We've been administering suppositories (super fun, not really) daily to assist in the bowel movements.  Our physician said one more week of that, then a specialist if he doesn't start to go routinely on his own. For now, baby oatmeal, pureed prunes, pears, apples and carrots are all he's chowing down on.

He's also had a trim.  His side curls were too much for Brian to handle so he snipped them. He wanted to take a little off the top, too but I firmly refused.  His curls are adorable.  So what if he is mistaken (literally every day) as a girl. 

His vitals at 6 months (50% percentile)
Height 27 inches
Weight 17 lb., .05 oz
Head Circumference 42 cm

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