Saturday, April 10, 2010

Evolution of the baby bump

I've been reflecting on this entire journey to parenthood.  It was a long, painful process; and worth every minute of it.  It all started in early 2007 and now, early March 2010, our dream came true. Brock truly is a miracle and we are so thankful. 

At the time I thought it was weird for Brian to want to take pictures of my expanding baby bump but I'm glad he did.  It's weird watching your body morph into this robust vessel that carries life.  What an incredibly rewarding experience.

This is my belly after 4 weeks recovery from IVF injections AND four weeks pregnant!!  We started 11 with viable eggs. Two survived fertilization and eventually one embryo survived.  That survivor is BROCK!

12 weeks. 

17 weeks.  Ha, I thought my belly was sooooo big!

6 months

8 months

9 months

18 days before the due date

Any day now...(40 weeks, 1 day)

41 weeks...really?

Baby Brock has made his appearance!

What an AMAZING journey...