Friday, April 2, 2010

It's a BOY!

Brock Logan McCormick entered the world on Saturday, March 27th at 12:20 am.  He is 21 inches long and weighs 7 lbs., 5 oz. and is absolutely adorable.

Brock's story

We entered the hospital on Friday morning to be induced. Some time during the 16 hour induction/labor, I started to run a fever and acquired an infection that required antibiotics. So, we needed an unplanned, emergency Cesarean section. About 45 minutes after being carted into surgery, Brock was born. I was so drugged and numb that I don't really remember the experience but I do remember two important things:

1. Brian saying, "It's a Boy!"

2. Someone bringing Brock to my side. I said, "hi" and he looked in my direction. Then he was carried away. That would be the last time I saw him until Sunday evening - almost 18 hours after he was born.

Brock was sent immediately to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit where a series of IV's, antibiotics, and tests were performed. They said this was routine for deliveries when the mother caught a fever and/or infection. It was supposed to be a 24 hour observation.

Poor little Brock had an IV in his arm and his foot. But grandma got to hold him which made him very happy.

In the end, he was in the NICU for two nights and three days. In addition to the general 24 hour observation, they thought he might have a heart condition, for lack of better explanation. Needless to say, Brian and I were emotional, exhausted, and scared. And during this time, I was trying to heal from major surgery. Every two hours I was wheel chaired into the NICU from the maternity ward so I could attempt to feed him and bond. It was devastating to see your brand new baby attached to tubes and machines. Our visits were short and emotionally and physically draining.

On Monday night, Brock was finally discharged from the NICU, after being cleared of any heart condition or infection. We finally had our boy! That was the best night, ever. We just held him in our arms and cuddled to make up for lost time.

Tuesday, Brock had another medical trauma - the circumcision.  Granted, he won't remember a thing but Brian attended the procedure and is forever scarred by it.  He said we better have a girl next time...

Wednesday we took our baby and ourselves home from the hospital to start our lives together.  I am not going to lie and say it's all been grand.  There have been a lot of growing pains trying to figure out how to care for this beautiful creature and also me trying to recover from surgery. I can't lift him or anything which is a struggle. I've been told it will take several weeks until I can engage my core muscles again so I've had to rely on help for everything.  Thankfully my Mom has been here to help; otherwise I don't know what I would do. 

Thank you, Grandma!!!

1 comment:

  1. This kiddo is too cute for words! I can't wait to meet him! I am such a proud aunt!
