Friday, March 26, 2010

No baby, yet...

We hit the 41st week of pregnancy yesterday, which means that we are in the late term stage of pregnancy (a normal pregnancy is 40 weeks). 

While I've enjoyed being pregnant most of the time, I'm really feeling pregnant these days.  Aside from my ginormous belly, the weight and pressure from the baby has gone from uncomfortable to intolerable.  He/She is a fiesty little one and is striking nerves with each painful jab.  Its little bum keeps swaying from side to side and its little legs enjoy rolling about.  Cute...yes, but painful!

Since this kid clearly has no intention of moving out,  we will be inducing this weekend.  Like it or not, it's time for Baby McCormick to make an appearance.

Hopefully our next post will be a formal introduction to the little bugger. 

In the meantime, here are some latest belly shots.  Yes, they were comparing my belly to a basketball. I won; I'm bigger!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I had the striking nerve pain towards the end too, not fun! You look amazing in the photos!!!

    I just want to say again that I am foreseeing an easy labor (even if you have to be induced) b/c Baby Mack is fullly cooked :)
