Thursday, February 10, 2011

Bubbles and Babbles

One of Brock's favorite pastimes is taking a bath.  He could literally stay in his tub for hours, if we allowed it.  In fact, when we try to take him out, he protests.  Crying and pouting is involved.  After regaining his composure, he will stand up peering down into the tub longingly looking at his toys.

Our Nanny, Cris, gave him bubbles for Christmas and he LOVES them.  Let's hope Brock continues to love bathing because I can't stand a messy kid!  :-)

He's also become quite the curious little fellow.  His senses are in full bloom and it's so endearing to watch him discover all the little details we take for granted.  Our voices, our fingers, the sounds around us.  I just love watching his face light up or his nose wrinkle when he is trying to figure out what "that" is.

When I need to get his breakfast ready and pack up his food for the day, I plop him on the kitchen floor with a few toys and let him go nuts.  He loves to "talk" to me while playing with his toys.  Babbles to my ears...

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Farewell, Unlce Moe

On January 15th, this world lost an amazing man.   Brock was lucky.  He and Uncle Moe had some time together to bond before he got too sick. 

Uncle Moe, you will forever be in our hearts. We love you, always.

Christmas 2010

Okay, okay, a little late.  I'm just now getting some free time to update the blog.  Sorry folks!

Brock's first Christmas wasn't as fabulous as I'm sure he would have wished.  The poor kid had a miserable cold and cough. In fact, so terrible that we ended up taking him to the Emergency Room at 3:00 am when we returned from visiting our family. His cold and cough seemed to be getting worse and his breathing was labored.  The doctor gave him a breathing treatment and sent him home with an inhaler to help keep his airways open.  By the first week of January, he was feeling well again - until the next cold.  But that's a story for another blog posting.

For now, let's focus on the merrier moments of December.  Christmas.  Seriously, you would not have thought Brock was sick. This kid had on his game face the entire visit at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  He laughed, played and smiled all day/night.  When the wretched cough would stir, the whole room froze in disbelief that he was actually sick.  In spite of his nasty cold and cough, he managed to enjoy his visit and loved all of his Christmas presents.