Sunday, February 6, 2011

Christmas 2010

Okay, okay, a little late.  I'm just now getting some free time to update the blog.  Sorry folks!

Brock's first Christmas wasn't as fabulous as I'm sure he would have wished.  The poor kid had a miserable cold and cough. In fact, so terrible that we ended up taking him to the Emergency Room at 3:00 am when we returned from visiting our family. His cold and cough seemed to be getting worse and his breathing was labored.  The doctor gave him a breathing treatment and sent him home with an inhaler to help keep his airways open.  By the first week of January, he was feeling well again - until the next cold.  But that's a story for another blog posting.

For now, let's focus on the merrier moments of December.  Christmas.  Seriously, you would not have thought Brock was sick. This kid had on his game face the entire visit at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  He laughed, played and smiled all day/night.  When the wretched cough would stir, the whole room froze in disbelief that he was actually sick.  In spite of his nasty cold and cough, he managed to enjoy his visit and loved all of his Christmas presents.

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