Thursday, August 16, 2012

Game time!

Tomorrow morning we head over to the hospital for our planned c-section and while in there, repair my tethered uterus.  Both surgeries combined are anticipated to take about two hours.  When Brock was born, they whisked him away to the NICU for three nights and that was emotionally draining.  Not to mention physically exhausting for me, as I was in the initial stages of recovery from my emergency c-section.  I wasn't able to see him for the first 18 hours of his life.  Brutal!  We are hopeful that this time the baby will be with us starting immediately and that we don't ever have to visit the NICU again. we finalize our "to do" list and attempt to get some sleep before our early morning begins.  Brock is definitely in the know in terms of mommy having a baby but we have no idea how much this will impact him until he meets his sibling.  We've been told the adjustment period takes about three months so mentally, that is what we are preparing for.  Wish us luck - he's been pretty feisty this week.  

Keep us in your prayers and let's all hope for a healthy, successful delivery, recovery and most of all, baby!

Stay tuned to learn if Baby Mac, Part 2 is a BOY or a GIRL!

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