Wednesday, September 5, 2012

It's a BOY, again!

Welcome to the world, Cade Harper McCormick!
August 17, 2012 7:07 am
8 lbs., 1 oz.
20 inches

Much to my surprise, we had another BOY and we are delighted.  Clearly I wasn't channeling my inner Mommy, as I was 100% certain we were having a girl.  Who cares!  We have a boy and he's healthy and gorgeous (not biased at all...).  

We had a c-section planned for August 17th at 9:00am.  But like all Logan/McCormick family members, Cade was stubborn and didn't want to wait.  I went into labor around 1:00am and by 3:00am was having contractions 3 minutes apart.  We were at the hospital by 4:00am.

Similar to Brock's arrival, Cade decided to make his delivery equally, if not more challenging.   Did I mention we are a household of stubborn people?

Because I went into labor, Cade started to move down the birth canal.  Brock also did this and they both got stuck.  As our OB stated during delivery (in a panic, I might add), my pelvis to too narrow and his shoulders were too broad.  She had to call in "any available doctor" to help with the delivery.  A herd of people shuffled into the operating room and a lot of hands were in my body holding various organs and pulling and tugging.  Cade's umbilical cord was also wrapped around his neck twice.  So, if we didn't already have a planned c-section, we would have had one anyway.  The reason we had planned a c-section was because my uterus and bladder attached to the scar tissue from my first c-section with Brock.  However, it turned out that the scar tissue was much thicker than anticipated (they said it was as hard as cement) so the cauterizing took over two hours.  I've never been a fan of smelling burnt flesh, especially my own; icky! In the end, a healthy baby was born, a lot of blood was lost (I'm on iron pills) and I was told I can't have any more children.  But we were done having kids anyway so this news is not heartbreaking.  We feel extremely blessed with our two boys and couldn't ask for anything more.

One freaky thing that happened to me was my vision became distorted a few days before I had Cade.  It's a condition called Central Serous Chorioretinopathy.  In layman's terms, I have fluid in my right retina but the doctor anticipates it going away on its own.  If it doesn't remedy itself by six weeks, there is a procedure I can do but it's not ideal.  In the meantime, everything looks distorted so if you see me walking by and I don't recognize you initially, be kind.  You're fuzzy looking.  :-)

Brock has been adjusting to his new brother.  At first, he was skeptical but every day he warms up a little more.  He likes to "show off" his baby brother to people. It's very endearing.  Who knows how long it will last but we live moment to moment in our household of boys.  Life is good.

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