Monday, November 12, 2012

Glam Shots

I'm not a professional photographer by any stretch of the imagination, but I certainly try to take a decent photo.  Motivated by their matching sweaters (a gift from a friend of my Aunt), I knew I wanted to take pictures of the boys but wasn't sure when I'd be able to.  The weather the past few weeks had been temperamental- one day 85 degrees (too hot for sweaters), the  next cloudy and raining. Thankfully, on this particular day, the weather was agreeable (finally!) so I gussied up the boys in their sweaters and off we went (I had a friend helping) to one of our local parks.  Of the 30+ pictures I took, a few turned out okay.  I guess I'll keep my day job for now, but it sure is fun taking pictures of my boys. 

We got some funny looks from walkers on the trail.  One said they thought Brock was holding a doll until they got closer.  Another just lingered for an awkwardly long time.  Fortunately we only spent a few minutes taking pictures before Brock got bored and Cade spit up all over himself.

That's a wrap!  Off went the sweaters and over to the playground we went where Brock ran into a buddy of his, Emily, from swim class.  Although it was time to go home for dinner, I figured he deserved a little play time after his tough photo shoot. Models can be so demanding!  :-)

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