Saturday, November 10, 2012

Month Two

Life is...busy.  I wonder why?  Two kids, perhaps?  Well, I'm here now and have a few minutes (literally!) to update our family blog.

Cade turned two!  Geez, that was almost a month ago.  See, told ya we were busy!  At the two month check up, Cade was weighed and given three types of immunizations.  Poor kid, who wants that - and no lollypop afterward?

Birth Stats (August 17, 2012):
8 lbs., 1 oz.
20 inches

Two month stats (October 17, 2012):
12 lbs., 14 oz. (50%)
23 inches (50%)

First, they administered an oral immunization.  That went down easily. 

 After the oral, they gave him two shots, one in each thigh.  That didn't go as smoothly as hoped.  But, he survived. 

Cade is growing so fast.  He's already so alert and curious of his surroundings.  He can recognize our voices and even smiles a bit.

Brock is even warming up to the little guy, some of the time.

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