Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Surviving the holidaze

I firmly believe that the holiday season starts at Halloween and ends at Super Bowl.  So, while the holidays aren't officially over, the majority of them have passed and we are in the home stretch.  The rest is just a lot of screaming at watching TV and eating junk food.  I can handle that.

Christmas was exceptionally fun this year because no one was sick (a first in years!) and Brock is sort of understanding the concept.  We didn't push the whole " I believe in Santa" thing on him so we think all he understands is that Santa is a really nice guy and we take pictures with him.  Oh, and he drives a sleigh with reindeer and he's green (he likes us to read the Grinch Who Stole Christmas).  Yep, he's still a little fuzzy on the details.

If you were to ask Brock, I'm pretty confident he would say what he enjoyed most about Christmas was seeing his cousin, Logan and being at Grandma and Grandpa's (they have THREE flights of stairs!).  He had all of their undivided attention and he loved every minute of it.  Brock talked about playing with Logan for days before and after our visit.  And the other night he was talking in his sleep about Grandma and Grandpa.  Plus, at Grandma and Grandpa's house, there were special treats like See's candy and Grandma's special carrot bread.  I think he had more fun than he could have ever imagined.  Didn't hurt that he raked in some serious toys - a keyboard, a guitar, a fire truck, cool books...and more!

The three Amigos

Grandma is grandkid heaven!

 Christmas had no significance to Cade except that a whole bunch of people wanted to hold him and flash cameras in his face.  I'm pretty sure if he could talk, he'd have some unsavory choice words for us.  But he was gracious and allowed us to take (literally) hundreds of pictures.  He did have fun playing with his new toys.  His smiles and giggles proved it. Have I mentioned how adorable this kid is?

Me and my boys

Grandpa getting a little Cade time - don't they look alike?

Cade loves his Grandma

That's a mighty proud Uncle!
Cade sporting a hand knit Stanford cap

Logan and his new bike!

We had so much fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house it was difficult to pack up and head home.  Brock kept asking why we had to leave.  He LOVES his grandparents so much (we do too!)!

Thank you, Mom and Dad for feeding, sheltering, spoiling and loving us!  Merry Christmas!

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