Thursday, July 30, 2009

Be still, my beating heart

Today we saw the baby's heart beating on the ultrasound. It's one thing to read about what's going on developmentally but to actually SEE the development is truly amazing. The heart was beating very fast (this is a good thing). We didn't get a count from our doctor but research has indicated the heart should be beating somewhere between 100-160 beats per minute. It's also about the size of a lima bean.

But, as any early pregnancy, it's still too soon to entirely exhale and feel relieved. We discovered our bean is measuring at 6 weeks, and 4 days instead of 7 weeks. We're a little concerened but are trying to stay positive and hope next week's ultrasound indicates we're back on track and hitting our markers.

Grow little bean, grow!!

Here's two pictures of our little miracle at 7 weeks

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