Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Sick n' tired and lovin' every moment

After trying to get pregnant for so long, walking through a sleepy haze and having twinges of nausea that can last for hours and hours are a blessed and warm welcome to my world.

Well, I have to admit, in the realm of pregnancy, I'm quite lucky. Most days I feel sluggish and maybe every three days I feel utterly nauseous that lingers for hours and hours. Unfortunately, food (carbs in particular) seem to help. So, I keep cracked wheat crackers within arm's reach at all times.

The crazy girl mood swings...well, that's been going on for 10 months thanks to the ridiculous amounts of hormones I've been injecting. Poor Brian never knows what to expect when he enters the room. I'm sure Brian would say I'm just as sweet as can be, but that's because he doesn't want to sleep with one eye open.

In spite of the not so fun feeling days and the bouts of crazy lady mood swings, I welcome the queasiness and crabiness because after having gone through such leaps to get pregnant, I just relish in the fact that I can finally say I'm pregnant!

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