Thursday, August 11, 2011

16 months old

Can you believe the Brockstar is already 16 months old?  It's just amazing to watch him grow and develop into this little person he's becoming.  Brian and I have become those people. You know, the ones that only talk about their kid.  Well, we have reason to be those people.  Our kid is fantastic and he is doing a lot of things worth sharing!

So, what has Brock been up to these days?  Here's a few highlights:

  • Brock is talking and talking and talking.  We're not sure what he is saying most of the time but a lot of jabber goes on at Casa McCormick.
  • Trash trucks, trains and fire engines are a BIG DEAL.   
  • Elmo.  Elmo, or as Brock would say, MoMo is pretty awesome in his world.
  • Reading, playing with cars and trucks, and pushing furniture around are favorite pastimes.
  • Running!  Yes, running.  This kid can move.
There are definitely more milestone moments to share but I'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

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