Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy go lucky

Brock is the happiest little fellow.  Even during a mini tantrum, he will start to smile or giggle, then remember he's trying to assert his independence and return to his tantrum.  Needless to say, we can still find ways to distract him or coax him out of his fits.  At least for now, it's working.  Some of you might be reading this and chuckling to yourself because you too remember being in this stage where you think your child's temper tantrums are so adorable.  Hey, we're living moment-to-moment in this crazy life we created.  And lovin' every minute of it!

When Brock was a baby our friends gave him the coolest pair of shoes.  They aren't meant to be worn and frankly look like something a clown might adorn, but they are educational and pique his curiosity.  For whatever reason, he LOVES these shoes.  He'll drag them around the house, bring them to the car and lately, ask to wear them.  He cries when they come off and he will rapidly find me and say, "on" while sitting down next to be holding his shoes.  (Scroll down to my last posting to see what I mean)

Brock is also a curious dude.  He is incredibly observant.  We definitely have to watch ourselves.  When he finds something really interesting, he will literally tune out the world and just focus.  Whether it be toys to stack or learning how to sweep, he is intrigued.

It's hard to imagine this energetic ball of wonder ever slowing down since one of his favorite words (and actions, for that matter) is, "go".  But, when he does finally crash out for the night, he is simply angelic; even in his odd sleep positions. 

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