Thursday, December 20, 2012

Four Months

How did four months pass?  Geez, this kid is growing up way too fast. 

Overall, Cade is doing fantastic.  He is happy, healthy and an absolute flirt.  I am in big trouble in a few years, my boys are chick magnets!  Just this week, he started sleeping about 10 hour stretches in the night.  It might be a short-lived phase but for now, I will enjoy my 6-7 hours of REM. 

Coming in at 25.25 inches tall (62%) and 15 lbs., 4 oz. (45%), Cade is quite a love.  But what's not to love? 

I'll tell you what's not to love.  Vaccination shots.  Poor Cade had three shots in his thighs and one oral vaccination.  He didn't enjoy this - at all.  Poor thing wailed and wailed.  Fortunately he won't remember these shots and we don't have to return for two more months!

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