Friday, December 7, 2012

Our silly boys

Brock and Cade are both in stages where they are beyond adorable.  These boys are full of life and definitely keeping us on our toes.  A pure joy, indeed!

Brock is all about using his imagination.  "Hurry, run, the big bad wolf is coming!".  Or, during story time, which is a part of our bedtime routine, he drags out all of his stuffed animals and we have to incorporate them into some kind of adventure.  Naturally, Brock is the main character and these guys are his sidekicks.  Brian has become quite the improv story teller.  I'm still working on my character details.  I prefer to be the closer, and in our home, that is the person who sing songs to him (terribly off key) after stories.  That way I get an extra good night kiss before lights out.  :-)

Cade is a big fan of blowing bubbles and babbling on and on, as if he has something incredibly important to say.  Hmm, maybe he does and we just don't know it - yet.  Whatever he might be saying, I can't stop gazing into his big blue eyes.  This momma is madly in love. 

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